Category: Blog

Earthquake Time?

You don’t like huge changes.  It’s not your fault. The responsibility lies firmly with your brain. It doesn’t like change, it goes out of its way to avoid intellectual earthquakes…..

World Health Day

April 7th is World Health Day, which means it’s a good time to pause and think about your health.  So why not ask yourself the question: how healthy are you?….

Are You Transactional?

Transactional analysis sounds like something nasty the Serious Fraud Office does if they think you’ve been indulging in some seriously white-collar crime.  Thankfully, it’s a tool you can use to….

Fire Alarm

When the fire alarm goes off do you remove the battery?  No, you get out, you get the fire service out and you stay out. That’s so obvious that it’s….

Jack’s Back

Shock horror. Breaking news! I recently drank alcohol. Dum, dum dummmmm. A friend of mine accidentally poured a big shot of Jack Daniels down my throat. I know that seems….

World Book Day

It’s World Book Day. It’s a highlight of the year because you get to dress up as a character from your favourite book. I’m currently wearing my Zarathustra costume.  I….

90% lies

“Booze is 10% ethanol and 90% marketing.” I wish I’d thought of that but it was actually Arwa Mahdawi from the Guardian. It’s a great line but what does it….