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Should I go sober in October?

Are you worried that maybe you drink a little too much? Not quite sure what to do? You sort of think you might try Sober October but you’re not sure.

Chill out man, I got you.

In ‘Should I Go Sober in October’, a gentle and humorous webinar, I’ll cover some of the benefits of getting control of your drinking. Like more energy, better focus, less stress, more time, more fun, feeling great in the morning, and better sex. I could go on but let’s just dwell on better sex for a bit. 

I’ll answer your questions about drinking and cover the seven things you need to know about drinking less:

Find out all this and more at “Should I go sober in October?”.

Join me on Thursday 5th October at 7 p.m. UK, 2 p.m. Eastern and 11 a.m. Pacific.

Come along, just sign up,  log on and have a laugh. Remember, you have nothing to lose but the booze.


Duncan has done his fair share of overindulgence, strictly speaking, he’s drunk more than his fair share of wine and eaten more than his fair share of cake.

Along the way, he found himself in some interesting places like on stage with S-Club, a stint as Mayor of his hometown, and Morris dancing in Westminster Abbey.

After 20 years of overdoing it, he cleaned up his act and trained with the Easyway clinic, the world’s most successful stop-smoking service. Now he spends his time helping people push over-indulgence out of their life.

He’ll show you that getting over indulgent can power up your productivity, push up your performance and pump up the pleasure you take from life.

As an author, Duncan has written a book entitled “Get Over Indulgence: Take Control Find Your Stress-Free Life”.

He lives in Abingdon with one wife, daughter, and two bonsai trees.