When I was a kid, I always hated the fact that my birthday was in January. It was way too close to Christmas. I had to wait almost a year between presents! No fun.
So ,when I got older I invented Birth Day™ a day that everyone can celebrate. And I made it happen in June to get me over the no present hump. My niece and nephew seemed to like it, what’s not to like about extra presents?
But a few years ago, I realised that I had stopped drinking at the end of May, which is pretty much the start of June. It occurred to me that there was a significance in these two things happening at around the same time.
I decided to cynically hijack my own invented holiday and ReBirthday™ was born. I still give gifts. And I’ve produced a range of attractive ReBirthday cards, I’m sure you’ve seen them in Clinton Cards…
But I also use the day to remember what it is I’m grateful for. The great gifts I’ve received from stopping drinking. Yes, I’ll enjoy the ReBirthday cake but it’s more about realising how much better my life is now.
If you want to join in my crusade to get ReBirthday celebrated as an official holiday, with a day off and everything, then grab a banner. If not just take a moment to remember all the things that you are grateful for, all the things that have changed your life for the better.
Happy #ReBirthday