“Alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid that makes you pay attention to the wrong things.”
True I made that definition up. But for years it defined what alcohol did to me.
I paid more attention to where my next drink was coming from than I did to how my wife was feeling.
I paid more attention to when the off license was going to shut than I did to my health and my sanity.
I paid more attention to when the event was going to end and I was going to get home and have a drink than I did to the event itself.
I missed so much when I was drinking because my focus was in the wrong place. I rushed through important things so I could open a bottle of wine.
Sadly, I am not alone.
I’ve met far too many people who have had their attention hijacked by alcohol. Good people who have found that all of a sudden they are living alcohol’s life rather than their own.
If that sounds familiar here’s another definition for you.
“Sober is a state of mind which helps you to pay attention to the right things”